Hidden Path, The; or, the Atlantic Cable

No vulture's eye hath seen the path,
Nor lion passed it by
Far down the deep
Where dead men sleep
And where the prophet's eye
Looked through the veil of coming years,
And traced its narrow track;
And saw the light
So swift and bright
Go forward and go back,
Along the line, the quivering line,
Where erst no path could be
That men have made
And daring laid
Across the pathless sea.
There goes a steed
With lightning speed
Nor will his rider stay
No rein hath he
Who fearlessly
Says to the deep — make way!
With tireless feet
The courser fleet
Goes down the rolling main,
But to our shore
He evermore
Comes rushing back again;
Glad tidings bearing near and far,
The sea hath passed away,
And hand to hand
The nations stand
One brotherhood to-day.
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