To Him that Hath, Shall Be Given; and From Him that Hath Not, Shall Be Taken Away, That Which It Seemes He Hath

His Word is Truth , that said, to him that hath ,
shall still be giuen; and, from him that lackes
Shall be withdrawne that which he holds, with scath:
so, this World makes men, made; & marr'd men wracks .

Who least doth lacke, hath most bestow'd on him;
for God and Men giue richest gifts to Kings;
So, he that doth in all abundance swimme,
each Hand to him much more Abundance brings.

What meanes this Mysterie so mystieall!
what! World , begin'st thou now with Age , to dote,
That Thou dost giue some All; some, nought at all:
and, sinck'st some, sincking , to make swimmers flote?
I know now what this meanes; but, this I know
Tis too much to be loth'd, to be too low .
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