To His Ladies Hand upon Occasion of Her Glove which in Her Absence He Kissed. Sonet 2 -
Sonet 2.
Sweet hand the sweet (yet cruell) bowe thow art
From whence at me fiue ivorye arrowes flye
So with fiue wounds at once I wounded lye
Bearing in breast the print of euery dart
Saynt Francis had the like yet felt no smart
Where I in liuing torments neuer dye
His wounds were in his hands and feete where I
All these same helplesse wounds feele in my hearte
Now (as Saint Francis ) if a Saint am I
The bow which shotte these shafts a relique is
I meane the hand which is the reason why
So many for devotion thee would kisse
And I thy gloue kisse as a thinge devine
Thy arrowes quiver and thy reliques shrine.
Sweet hand the sweet (yet cruell) bowe thow art
From whence at me fiue ivorye arrowes flye
So with fiue wounds at once I wounded lye
Bearing in breast the print of euery dart
Saynt Francis had the like yet felt no smart
Where I in liuing torments neuer dye
His wounds were in his hands and feete where I
All these same helplesse wounds feele in my hearte
Now (as Saint Francis ) if a Saint am I
The bow which shotte these shafts a relique is
I meane the hand which is the reason why
So many for devotion thee would kisse
And I thy gloue kisse as a thinge devine
Thy arrowes quiver and thy reliques shrine.
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