To His Lyre
If ever, as I struck thy strings,
My song has sounded sempiternal,
Help me, my Lyre, to glorious things
For this matutinary journal.
Thine erstwhile owner versified
War, Love, and Wine in panegyric;
And folks in Lesbos often cried,
“That kid can chuck a nasty lyric!”
Then aid me, Lute, beginning now!
Give theme for colophon or leader;
And some day there may grace my brow
The laurel from some Grateful Reader.
If ever, as I struck thy strings,
My song has sounded sempiternal,
Help me, my Lyre, to glorious things
For this matutinary journal.
Thine erstwhile owner versified
War, Love, and Wine in panegyric;
And folks in Lesbos often cried,
“That kid can chuck a nasty lyric!”
Then aid me, Lute, beginning now!
Give theme for colophon or leader;
And some day there may grace my brow
The laurel from some Grateful Reader.
My song has sounded sempiternal,
Help me, my Lyre, to glorious things
For this matutinary journal.
Thine erstwhile owner versified
War, Love, and Wine in panegyric;
And folks in Lesbos often cried,
“That kid can chuck a nasty lyric!”
Then aid me, Lute, beginning now!
Give theme for colophon or leader;
And some day there may grace my brow
The laurel from some Grateful Reader.
If ever, as I struck thy strings,
My song has sounded sempiternal,
Help me, my Lyre, to glorious things
For this matutinary journal.
Thine erstwhile owner versified
War, Love, and Wine in panegyric;
And folks in Lesbos often cried,
“That kid can chuck a nasty lyric!”
Then aid me, Lute, beginning now!
Give theme for colophon or leader;
And some day there may grace my brow
The laurel from some Grateful Reader.
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