Home, Home in the Evening

When the crows fly in from sea
(Oh, home, home in the evening!)
My love in his boat comes back to me,
Over the tumbling leagues of sea.
(Oh, home, home in the evening!)

And when the sun drops over the hill
(Oh, home, home in the evening!)
My happy eyes they take their fill
Of watching my love as he climbs the hill.
(Oh, home, home in the evening!)

And when the dew falls over the land
(Oh, home, home in the evening!)
I hold in my hand his dearest hand,
The happiest woman in all the land.
(Oh, home, home in the evening!)

All day she sang by the cottage door.
(Oh, home, home in the evening!)
At sundown came his boat to the shore —
But he to the hearthside comes no more
Home, home in the evening.
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