The Home of My Heart

When with Anna beneath this green canopy straying,
The sun to the western horizon drew nigh;
And his last feeble rays o'er her features were playing,
When she gave the last smile that will gladden my eye,
And the knell of the curfew forewarn'd me to part
With her, and these woodlands, the Home of my Heart.

And now, like yon sun-flow'r that by the god slighted,
All wet with the cold dew of evening appears,
Though with anguish unpitied, and love unrequited,
Thus lonely I wander in darkness and tears;
Yet these objects around me a feeling impart,
Which tells me that here is the Home of my Heart.

Though to some remote spot, or frequented or lonely,
My fortune may lead me my sad life to spend,
Where her beauty and name shall be known to me only,
Where brows never low'r, and where mirth knows no end;
Yet my mem'ry, believe me, will never depart
From the FROME'S belov'd margin, the HOME OF MY HEART.
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