For the Hour of Prime
The Versicle.
Lord by thy sweet and saving Sign .
The Responsor.
Defend us from our foes and thine.
V. Thou shalt open.
R. And my mouth.
V. O God make speed.
R. O L ORD make hast.
Glory be to.
As it was in.
The early P RIME blushes to say
She could not rise so soon, as they
Call'd Pilat up; to try if He
Could lend them any cruelty.
Their hands with lashes arm'd, their toungs with lyes,
And loathsom spittle, blott those beauteous eyes,
The blissfull springs of joy; from whose all-chearing Ray
The fair starrs fill their wakefull fires the sun himselfe drinks Day.
The Antiphona.
Victorious Sign
That now dost shine,
Transcrib'd above
Into the land of light and love;
O let us twine
Our rootes with thine,
That we may rise
Upon thy wings, and reach the skyes.
The Versicle.
Lo we adore thee
Dread L AMB ! and fall
Thus low before thee
The Responsor.
'Cause by the Convenant of thy C ROSSE
Thou'hast sav'd at once the whole world's losse.
The Prayer.
O Lord J ESU -C HRIST son of the living God ! interpose, I pray thee, thine own pretious death, thy C ROSSE and Passion, betwixt my soul and thy judgment, now and in the hour of my death. And vouchsafe to graunt unto me thy grace and mercy; unto all quick and dead, remission and rest; to thy church peace and concord; to us sinners life and glory everlasting. Who livest and reignest with the F ATHER , in the unity of the H OLY Ghost , one God , world without end. Amen.
The Versicle.
Lord, by thy sweet and saving Sign
The Responsor.
Defend us from our foes and thine.
V. Thou shalt open.
R. And my mouth.
V. O God make speed.
R. O L ORD make hast.
V. Glory be to.
R. As it was in the.
The Third hour's deafen'd with the cry
Of crucify him, crucify.
So goes the vote (nor ask them, Why?)
Live Barabbas! and let God dy.
But there is witt in wrath, and they will try
A H AIL more cruell then their crucify.
For while in sport he weares a spitefull crown,
The serious showres along his decent
Face run sadly down.
The Antiphona.
C HRIST when he dy'd
Deceived the C ROSSE ;
And on death's side
Threw all the losse.
The captive world awak't, and found
The prisoners loose, the Jaylor bound.
The Versicle.
Lo we adore thee
Dread L AMB , and fall
thus low before thee
The Responsor.
'Cause by the convenant of thy C ROSSE
Thou'hast sav'd at once the whole world's losse.
The Prayer.
O Lord J ESU -C HRIST , son of the living God ! interpose, I pray thee, thine own pretious death, thy C ROSSE and Passion, betwixt my soul and thy judgment, now and in the hour of my death. And vouchsafe to graunt unto me thy grace and mercy; unto all quick and dead, remission and rest; to thy church peace and concord; to us sinners life and glory everlasting. Who livest and reignest with the F ATHER , in the unity of the H OLY Ghost , one God , world without end. Amen.
The Versicle.
Lord by thy sweet and saving Sign ,
The Responsor.
Defend us from our foes and thine.
V. Thou shalt open.
R. And my mouth.
V. O God make speed.
R. O L ORD make hast.
V. Glory be
R. As it was in
Now is The noon of sorrow's night;
High in his patience, as their spite,
Lo the faint L AMB , with weary limb
Beares that huge tree which must bear Him.
That fatall plant, so great of fame
For fruit of sorrow and of shame,
Shall swell with both for H IM ; and mix
All woes into one C RUCIFIX .
Is tortur'd Thirst, it selfe, too sweet a cup?
G ALL , and more bitter mocks, shall make it up.
Are N AILES blunt pens of superficiall smart?
Contempt and scorn can send sure wounds to search the inmost Heart.
The Antiphona.
O deare and sweet Dispute
'Twixt death's and Love's farr different F RUIT !
Different as farr
As antidotes and poysons are.
By that first fatall T REE
Both life and liberty
Were sold and slain;
By this they both look up, and live again.
The Versicle.
Lo we adore thee
Dread L AMB ! and bow thus low before thee;
The Responsor.
'Cause by the convenant of thy C ROSSE .
Thou'hast sav'd the world from certain losse.
The Prayer.
O Lord J ESU -C HRIST , son of the living God ! interpose, I pray thee, thine own pretious death, thy C ROSSE and Passion, betwixt my soul and thy judgment, now and in the hour of my death. And vouchsafe to graunt unto me thy grace and mercy; unto all quick and dead, remission and rest; to thy church peace and concord; to us sinners life and glory everlasting. Who livest and reignest with the F ATHER , in the unity of the H OLY Ghost , one God , world without end. Amen.
The Versicle.
Lord by thy sweet and saving Sign .
The Responsor.
Defend us from our foes and thine.
V. Thou shalt open.
R. And my mouth.
V. O God make speed.
R. O L ORD make hast.
Glory be to.
As it was in.
The ninth with awfull horror hearkened to those groanes
Which taught attention ev'n to rocks and stones.
Hear, F ATHER , hear! thy L AMB (at last) complaines.
Of some more painfull thing then all his paines.
Then bowes his all-obedient head, and dyes
His own love's, and our sin's G REAT S ACRIFICE .
The sun saw That; And would have seen no more;
The center shook. Her uselesse veil th'inglorious Temple tore.
The Antiphona.
O strange mysterious strife
Of open D EATH and hidden L IFE !
When on the crosse my king did bleed,
L IFE seem'd to dy, D EATH dy'd indeed.
The Versicle.
Lo we adore thee
Dread L AMB ! and fall
thus low before thee
The Responsor.
'Cause by the convenant of thy C ROSSE
Thou'hast sav'd at once the whole world's losse.
The Prayer.
O Lord J ESU -C HRIST , son of the living God ! interpose, I pray thee, thine own pretious death, thy C ROSSE and Passion, betwixt my soul and thy judgment, now and in the hour of my death. And vouchsafe to graunt unto me thy grace and mercy; unto all quick and dead, remission and rest; to thy church peace and concord; to us sinners life and glory everlasting. Who livest and reignest with the F ATHER , in the unity of the H OLY Ghost , one God , world without end. Amen.
Lord by thy sweet and saving Sign .
The Responsor.
Defend us from our foes and thine.
V. Thou shalt open.
R. And my mouth.
V. O God make speed.
R. O L ORD make hast.
Glory be to.
As it was in.
The early P RIME blushes to say
She could not rise so soon, as they
Call'd Pilat up; to try if He
Could lend them any cruelty.
Their hands with lashes arm'd, their toungs with lyes,
And loathsom spittle, blott those beauteous eyes,
The blissfull springs of joy; from whose all-chearing Ray
The fair starrs fill their wakefull fires the sun himselfe drinks Day.
The Antiphona.
Victorious Sign
That now dost shine,
Transcrib'd above
Into the land of light and love;
O let us twine
Our rootes with thine,
That we may rise
Upon thy wings, and reach the skyes.
The Versicle.
Lo we adore thee
Dread L AMB ! and fall
Thus low before thee
The Responsor.
'Cause by the Convenant of thy C ROSSE
Thou'hast sav'd at once the whole world's losse.
The Prayer.
O Lord J ESU -C HRIST son of the living God ! interpose, I pray thee, thine own pretious death, thy C ROSSE and Passion, betwixt my soul and thy judgment, now and in the hour of my death. And vouchsafe to graunt unto me thy grace and mercy; unto all quick and dead, remission and rest; to thy church peace and concord; to us sinners life and glory everlasting. Who livest and reignest with the F ATHER , in the unity of the H OLY Ghost , one God , world without end. Amen.
The Versicle.
Lord, by thy sweet and saving Sign
The Responsor.
Defend us from our foes and thine.
V. Thou shalt open.
R. And my mouth.
V. O God make speed.
R. O L ORD make hast.
V. Glory be to.
R. As it was in the.
The Third hour's deafen'd with the cry
Of crucify him, crucify.
So goes the vote (nor ask them, Why?)
Live Barabbas! and let God dy.
But there is witt in wrath, and they will try
A H AIL more cruell then their crucify.
For while in sport he weares a spitefull crown,
The serious showres along his decent
Face run sadly down.
The Antiphona.
C HRIST when he dy'd
Deceived the C ROSSE ;
And on death's side
Threw all the losse.
The captive world awak't, and found
The prisoners loose, the Jaylor bound.
The Versicle.
Lo we adore thee
Dread L AMB , and fall
thus low before thee
The Responsor.
'Cause by the convenant of thy C ROSSE
Thou'hast sav'd at once the whole world's losse.
The Prayer.
O Lord J ESU -C HRIST , son of the living God ! interpose, I pray thee, thine own pretious death, thy C ROSSE and Passion, betwixt my soul and thy judgment, now and in the hour of my death. And vouchsafe to graunt unto me thy grace and mercy; unto all quick and dead, remission and rest; to thy church peace and concord; to us sinners life and glory everlasting. Who livest and reignest with the F ATHER , in the unity of the H OLY Ghost , one God , world without end. Amen.
The Versicle.
Lord by thy sweet and saving Sign ,
The Responsor.
Defend us from our foes and thine.
V. Thou shalt open.
R. And my mouth.
V. O God make speed.
R. O L ORD make hast.
V. Glory be
R. As it was in
Now is The noon of sorrow's night;
High in his patience, as their spite,
Lo the faint L AMB , with weary limb
Beares that huge tree which must bear Him.
That fatall plant, so great of fame
For fruit of sorrow and of shame,
Shall swell with both for H IM ; and mix
All woes into one C RUCIFIX .
Is tortur'd Thirst, it selfe, too sweet a cup?
G ALL , and more bitter mocks, shall make it up.
Are N AILES blunt pens of superficiall smart?
Contempt and scorn can send sure wounds to search the inmost Heart.
The Antiphona.
O deare and sweet Dispute
'Twixt death's and Love's farr different F RUIT !
Different as farr
As antidotes and poysons are.
By that first fatall T REE
Both life and liberty
Were sold and slain;
By this they both look up, and live again.
The Versicle.
Lo we adore thee
Dread L AMB ! and bow thus low before thee;
The Responsor.
'Cause by the convenant of thy C ROSSE .
Thou'hast sav'd the world from certain losse.
The Prayer.
O Lord J ESU -C HRIST , son of the living God ! interpose, I pray thee, thine own pretious death, thy C ROSSE and Passion, betwixt my soul and thy judgment, now and in the hour of my death. And vouchsafe to graunt unto me thy grace and mercy; unto all quick and dead, remission and rest; to thy church peace and concord; to us sinners life and glory everlasting. Who livest and reignest with the F ATHER , in the unity of the H OLY Ghost , one God , world without end. Amen.
The Versicle.
Lord by thy sweet and saving Sign .
The Responsor.
Defend us from our foes and thine.
V. Thou shalt open.
R. And my mouth.
V. O God make speed.
R. O L ORD make hast.
Glory be to.
As it was in.
The ninth with awfull horror hearkened to those groanes
Which taught attention ev'n to rocks and stones.
Hear, F ATHER , hear! thy L AMB (at last) complaines.
Of some more painfull thing then all his paines.
Then bowes his all-obedient head, and dyes
His own love's, and our sin's G REAT S ACRIFICE .
The sun saw That; And would have seen no more;
The center shook. Her uselesse veil th'inglorious Temple tore.
The Antiphona.
O strange mysterious strife
Of open D EATH and hidden L IFE !
When on the crosse my king did bleed,
L IFE seem'd to dy, D EATH dy'd indeed.
The Versicle.
Lo we adore thee
Dread L AMB ! and fall
thus low before thee
The Responsor.
'Cause by the convenant of thy C ROSSE
Thou'hast sav'd at once the whole world's losse.
The Prayer.
O Lord J ESU -C HRIST , son of the living God ! interpose, I pray thee, thine own pretious death, thy C ROSSE and Passion, betwixt my soul and thy judgment, now and in the hour of my death. And vouchsafe to graunt unto me thy grace and mercy; unto all quick and dead, remission and rest; to thy church peace and concord; to us sinners life and glory everlasting. Who livest and reignest with the F ATHER , in the unity of the H OLY Ghost , one God , world without end. Amen.
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