The House of Sleep

Near the Cymmerians , in his dark Abode,
Deep in a Cavern, dwells the drowzy God;
Whose gloomy Mansion nor the rising Sun,
Nor setting, visits, nor the lightsome Noon;
But lazy Vapours round the Region fly,
Perpetual Twilight, and a doubtful Sky:
No crowing Cock does there his Wings display,
Nor with his horny Bill provoke the Day;
Nor watchful Dogs, nor the more wakeful Geese,
Disturb with nightly Noise the sacred Peace;
Nor Beast of Nature, nor the Tame are nigh,
Nor Trees with Tempests rock'd, nor human Cry;
But safe Repose without an Air of Breath
Dwells here, and a dumb Quiet next to Death.
An Arm of Lethe , with a gentle Flow
Arising upwards from the Rock below,
The Palace moars, and o'er the Pebbles creeps,
And with soft Murmurs calls the coming Sleeps.
Around its Entry nodding Poppies grow,
And all cool Simples that sweet Rest bestow;
Night from the Plants their steepy Virtue drains,
And passing, sheds it on the silent Plains:
No Door there was th' unguarded House to keep,
On creaking Hinges turn'd, to break his Sleep.
But in the gloomy Court was rais'd a Bed,
Stuff'd with black Plumes, and on an Ebon-sted:
Black was the Cov'ring too, where lay the God,
And slept supine, his Limbs display'd abroad:
About his Head fantastick Visions fly,
Which various Images of things supply,
And mock their Forms; the Leaves on Trees not more,
Nor bearded Ears in Fields, nor Sands upon the Shore.
The Virgin ent'ring bright, indulg'd the Day
To the brown Cave, and brush'd the Dreams away:
The God disturb'd with this new Glare of Light,
Cast sudden on his Face, unseal'd his Sight,
And rais'd his tardy Head, which sunk again,
And sinking, on his Bosom knock'd his Chin;
At length shook off himself, and ask'd the Dame,
(And asking yawn'd) for what Intent she came.
To whom the Goddess thus: O sacred Rest,
Sweet pleasing Sleep, of all the Pow'rs the best!
O Peace of Mind, Repairer of Decay,
Whose Balms renew the Limbs to Labours of the Day,
Care shuns thy soft Approach, and sullen flies away!
Adorn a Dream, expressing human Form,
The Shape of him who suffer'd in the Storm,
And send it flitting to the Trachin Court,
The Wreck of wretched Ceyx to report:
Before his Queen bid the pale Spectre stand,
Who begs a vain Relief at Juno 's Hand.
She said, and scarce awake her Eyes could keep.
Unable to support the Fumes of Sleep;
But fled, returning by the way she went,
And swerv'd along her Bow with swift Ascent.
The God, uneasy till he slept again,
Resolv'd at once to rid himself of Pain;
And, tho' against his Custom, call'd aloud,
Exciting Morpheus from the sleepy Crowd:
Morpheus , of all his numerous Train, express'd
The Shape of Man, and imitated best;
The Walk, the Words, the Gesture could supply,
The Habit mimick, and the Mein bely;
Plays well, but all his Action is confin'd,
Extending not beyond our human Kind.
Another Birds, and Beasts, and Dragons apes,
And dreadful Images, and Monster Shapes:
This Demon, Icelos , in Heav'ns high Hall
The Gods have nam'd; but Men Phobetor call.
A third is Phantasus , whose Actions roul
On meaner Thoughts, and Things devoid of Soul;
Earth, Fruits, and Flow'rs he represents in Dreams,
And solid Rocks unmov'd, and running Streams.
These three to Kings and Chiefs their Scenes display,
The rest before th'ignoble Commons play.
Of these the chosen Morpheus is dispatch'd;
Which done, the lazy Monarch, over-watch'd,
Down from his propping Elbow drops his Head,
Dissolv'd in Sleep, and shrinks within his Bed.
Darkling the Demon glides, for Flight prepar'd,
So soft, that scarce his fanning Wings are heard.
To Trachin , swift as Thought, the flitting Shade,
Through Air his momentary Journey made:
Then lays aside the Steerage of his Wings,
Forsakes his proper Form, assumes the King's;
And pale as Death, despoil'd of his Array,
Into the Queen's Apartment takes his way,
And stands before the Bed at Dawn of Day:
Unmov'd his Eyes, and wet his Beard appears;
And shedding vain, but seeming real Tears;
The briny Water dropping from his Hairs.
Then staring on her with a ghastly Look,
And hollow Voice, he thus the Queen bespoke.
Know'st thou not me? Not yet, unhappy Wife?
Or are my Features perish'd with my Life?
Look once again, and for thy Husband lost,
Lo all that's left of him, thy Husband's Ghost!
Thy Vows for my Return were all in vain;
The stormy South o'ertook us in the Main,
And never shalt thou see thy living Lord again.
Bear witness, Heav'n, I call'd on thee in Death,
And while I call'd, a Billow stopp'd my Breath.
Think not that flying Fame reports my Fate;
I present, I appear, and my own Wreck relate.
Rise, wretched Widow, rise; nor undeplor'd
Permit my Soul to pass the Stygian Ford;
But rise, prepar'd in Black, to mourn thy perish'd Lord
Thus said the Player-God; and adding Art
Of Voice and Gesture, so perform'd his Part,
She thought (so like her Love the Shade appears)
That Ceyx spake the Words, and Ceyx shed the Tears:
She groan'd, her inward Soul with Grief opprest,
She sigh'd, she wept, and sleeping beat her Breast;
Then stretch'd her Arms t'embrace his Body bare;
Her clasping Arms inclose but empty Air:
At this, not yet awake, she cry'd, O stay;
One is our Fate, and common is our Way!
So dreadful was the Dream, so loud she spoke,
That starting sudden up, the Slumber broke:
Then cast her Eyes around, in hope to view
Her vanish'd Lord, and find the Vision true:
For now the Maids, who waited her Commands,
Ran in with lighted Tapers in their Hands.
Tir'd with the Search, not finding what she seeks,
With cruel Blows she pounds her blubber'd Cheeks;
Then from her beaten Breast the Linnen tare,
And cut the golden Caul that bound her Hair.
Her Nurse demands the Cause; with louder Cries,
She prosecutes her Griefs, and thus replies.
No more Alcyone 's she suffer'd Death
With her lov'd Lord, when Ceyx lost his Breath:
No Flatt'ry, no false Comfort, give me none,
My shipwreck'd Coyx is for ever gone:
I saw, I saw him manifest in View,
His Voice, his Figure, and his Gestures knew:
His Lustre lost, and ev'ry living Grace,
Yet I retain'd the Features of his Face;
Tho with pale Cheeks, wet Beard, and dropping Hair,
None but my Ceyx could appear so fair.
I would have strain'd him with a strict Embrace,
But thro' my Arms he slipp'd, and vanish'd from the Place:
There, ev'n just there he stood; and as she spoke,
Where last the Spectre was she cast her Look:
Fain wou'd she hope, and gaz'd upon the Ground,
If any printed Footsteps might be found.
Then sigh'd and said; This I too well foreknew,
And my prophetick Fears presag'd too true:
'Twas what I begg'd, when with a bleeding Heart
I took my Leave, and suffer'd thee to part;
Or I to go along, or Thou to stay,
Never, ah never to divide our Way!
Happier for me, that all our Hours assign'd
Together we had liv'd; ev'n not in Death disjoin'd!
So had my Ceyx still been living here,
Or with my Ceyx I had perish'd there:
Now I die absent, in the vast Profound;
And Me, without my Self, the Seas have drown'd:
The Storms were not so cruel; should I strive
To lengthen Life, and such a Grief survive;
But neither will I strive, nor wretched Thee
In Death forsake, but keep thee Company.
If not one common Sepulcher contains
Our Bodies, or one Urn our last Remains,
Yet Ceyx and Alcyone shall join,
Their Names remember'd in one common Line.
No farther Voice her mighty Grief affords,
For Sighs come rushing in betwixt her Words,
And stopp'd her Tongue; but what her Tongue deny'd,
Soft Tears, and Groans, and dumb Complaints supply'd.
'Twas Morning; to the Port she takes her way,
And stands upon the Margin of the Sea:
That Place, that very Spot of Ground she sought,
Or thither by her Destiny was brought,
Where last he stood: And while she sadly said,
'Twas here he left me, lingring here delay'd
His parting Kiss, and there his Anchors weigh'd.
Thus speaking, while her Thoughts past Actions trace,
And call to mind, admonish'd by the Place,
Sharp at her utmost Ken she cast her Eyes,
And somewhat floating from afar descries:
It seem'd a Corps adrist, to distant Sight,
But at a Distance who could judge aright?
It wasted nearer yet, and then she knew
That what before she but surmis'd, was true:
A Corps it was, but whose it was, unknown,
Yet mov'd, howe'er, she made the Case her own:
Took the bad Omen of a shipwreck'd Man,
As for a Stranger wept, and thus began.
Poor Wretch, on stormy Seas to lose thy Life,
Unhappy thou, but more thy widow'd Wife!
At this she paus'd; for now the flowing Tide
Had brought the Body nearer to the Side:
The more she looks, the more her Fears increase,
At nearer Sight; and she's her self the less:
Now driv'n ashore, and at her Feet it lies,
She knows too much, in knowing whom she sees:
Her Husband's Corps; at this she loudly shrieks,
'Tis he, 'tis he, she cries, and tears her Cheeks,
Her Hair, and Vest; and stooping to the Sands,
About his Neck she cast her trembling Hands
And is it thus, O dearer than my Life,
Thus, thus return'st Thou to thy longing Wife!
She said, and to the neighb'ring Mole she strode,
(Rais'd there to break th'Incursions of the Flood;)
Headlong from hence to plunge her self she springs,
But shoots along supported on her Wings;
A Bird new-made, about the Banks she plies,
Not far from Shore, and short Excursions tries;
Nor seeks in Air her humble Flight to raise,
Content to skim the Surface of the Seas:
Her Bill, tho' slender, sends a creaking Noise,
And imitates a lamentable Voice.
Now lighting where the bloodless Body lies,
She with a Fun'ral Note renews her Cries:
At all her Stretch her little Wings she spread,
And with her feather'd Arms embrac'd the Dead:
Then flick'ring to his palid Lips, she strove
To print a Kiss, the last Essay of Love.
Whether the vital Touch reviv'd the Dead,
Or that the moving Waters rais'd his Head
To meet the Kiss, the Vulgar doubt alone;
For sure a present Miracle was shown.
The Gods their Shapes to Winter-Birds translate,
But both obnoxious to their former Fate.
Their conjugal Affection still is ty'd,
And still the mournful Race is multiply'd:
They bill, they tread; Alcyone compress'd,
Sev'n Days sits brooding on her floating Nest:
A wintry Queen: Her Sire at length is kind,
Calms ev'ry Storm, and hushes ev'ry Wind;
Prepares his Empire for his Daughter's Ease,
And for his hatching Nephews smooths the Seas.
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