How cheerful along the gay mead
How cheerful along the gay mead
The daisy and cowslip appear
The flocks as they carelessly feed
Rejoice in the spring of the year
The myrtles that deck the gay bowers
The herbage that springs from the sod
Trees, plants cooling fruits and sweet flowers
All rise to the praise of my God
Shall man the great master of all
The only insensible prove
Forbid it fair gratitudes call
Forbid it devotion and love
The Lord who such wonders can raise
And still can destroy with a nod
My lips shall incessantly praise
My soul shall be wrapt in my God
The daisy and cowslip appear
The flocks as they carelessly feed
Rejoice in the spring of the year
The myrtles that deck the gay bowers
The herbage that springs from the sod
Trees, plants cooling fruits and sweet flowers
All rise to the praise of my God
Shall man the great master of all
The only insensible prove
Forbid it fair gratitudes call
Forbid it devotion and love
The Lord who such wonders can raise
And still can destroy with a nod
My lips shall incessantly praise
My soul shall be wrapt in my God
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