How Fayre Shee Be
Shall : I, wasting in dispayre,
dye because a womans fayre?
or make pale my cheekes w i th care
because anothers rose-yee are?
Be shee fairer then the day
or the flowry Meads in may,
if shee thinke not well of mee,
What care I how fayre shee bee?
Shall my foolish hart be pind
because I see a woman kind,
or a well disposed nature
w i th a comlye feature?
Be shee Meeker, kinder, then
the turtledoue or Pelican,
if shee be not soe to me,
what care I how kind shee bee?
Shall a womans vertues moue
me to p er ish for her loue,
or her worthy merritts knowne
make me quite forgett mine owne?
were shee w i th tha t goodness blest,
as may meritt name of best,
if shee be not soe to me,
what care I how good shee bee?
Be shee good or kind or fayre,
I will neu er more disp[air;]
if shee loue me, this beleeue,
I will dye ere shee shall g[reiue;]
if shee slight me when I woe,
I will scorne & lett her goe.
or if shee be not for mee,
what care I for whom shee bee?
dye because a womans fayre?
or make pale my cheekes w i th care
because anothers rose-yee are?
Be shee fairer then the day
or the flowry Meads in may,
if shee thinke not well of mee,
What care I how fayre shee bee?
Shall my foolish hart be pind
because I see a woman kind,
or a well disposed nature
w i th a comlye feature?
Be shee Meeker, kinder, then
the turtledoue or Pelican,
if shee be not soe to me,
what care I how kind shee bee?
Shall a womans vertues moue
me to p er ish for her loue,
or her worthy merritts knowne
make me quite forgett mine owne?
were shee w i th tha t goodness blest,
as may meritt name of best,
if shee be not soe to me,
what care I how good shee bee?
Be shee good or kind or fayre,
I will neu er more disp[air;]
if shee loue me, this beleeue,
I will dye ere shee shall g[reiue;]
if shee slight me when I woe,
I will scorne & lett her goe.
or if shee be not for mee,
what care I for whom shee bee?
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