How Great Become

How great I do become! How great!
With all my children now full grown,
And settled, each a wedded mate,
And all with children of their own.
I first was one, and then one more
Well-wived; and children made me ten;
And they with all their wives or men,
And children, make me now two score.
With children's children, far or nigh,
How great I am become! Am I?

I own a share of Weston folk,
On Norton work I have some hands,
At Beechley I send up a smoke,
My surname sounds on Ashridge lands.
In Meldon church my voices sing,
Yes, there I have young tongues to pray,
And I have boys and girls at play
Below the rocks, at Clevewell spring.
With all the souls that I may claim
How great I am! How great my name!

But oh! how little can I track
The longsome team of father men,
That runs, from me to elders, back
A chain of links beyond my ken.
O'er what dear heads, by one and one,
My name at length came down on me
I know not now, nor may I see
Below me one child's child's sweet son.
No. I am only one of all
Those links of life. But one. How small!
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