Humility - Second Part
B LEST men, of lowly mind,
In self-opinion poor;
For you, what honour is design'd!
For you, what princely store!
In time's short joys and sighs,
Thankful, or meekly still;
Whate'er he gives you, or denies,
You love your Father's will.
The high and holy One,
Who all his works surveys,
Marks you, from his eternal throne,
As temples to his praise.
To you, to you he bends
His condescending ear;
To you his pow'rful arm extends,
In every want and fear.
From your misgiving breast
Sad diffidence remove.
Why, children, are your souls deprest?
Why doubt your Father's love?
With mildness in his face,
Your weaknesses he views.
To humble worshippers, his grace
He never will refuse.
From the proud pharisee
His countenance he turns:
But will not with displeasure see
A publican who mourns.
B LEST men, of lowly mind,
In self-opinion poor;
For you, what honour is design'd!
For you, what princely store!
In time's short joys and sighs,
Thankful, or meekly still;
Whate'er he gives you, or denies,
You love your Father's will.
The high and holy One,
Who all his works surveys,
Marks you, from his eternal throne,
As temples to his praise.
To you, to you he bends
His condescending ear;
To you his pow'rful arm extends,
In every want and fear.
From your misgiving breast
Sad diffidence remove.
Why, children, are your souls deprest?
Why doubt your Father's love?
With mildness in his face,
Your weaknesses he views.
To humble worshippers, his grace
He never will refuse.
From the proud pharisee
His countenance he turns:
But will not with displeasure see
A publican who mourns.
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