
Who shall commemorate all Thy chosen names
Thou who art Sire at once and Son of man?
Servant, friend, brother, bridegroom, husband, Lord,
Priest, advocate, physician, teacher, guide,
King, conqueror and master, world-adored!
Owner of all things here, and almoner!—
Thou the Divine Protagonist of time,
The everlasting sacrifice; the world's
Eternal victim, Thou, and victor God !
On high the light of all perfections, here
The blessed shadow! Sun of righteousness,
And star of wisdom lonely in the Heavens!—
The cloud of glory in life's wilderness,
The splendour in the temple; Temple, rock,
City of refuge! Branch and root, and vine!
Tree, too, of Life, of knowledge! Almond tree
First flowering from the wintry world of death!—
Thou too the olive, whence distils the oil
Of inspiration for the elect anoint!—
Robe, sceptre, crown and shield! Eye, arm and head!—
Earth's corner stone and architect of Heaven!—
Fire, fountain, river! Sacrifice for sin,
And Sin itself! The serpent of the saved,
The Angel of redemption, and our God !—
Curse transessentiate into blessing! Man,
Angel and Deity! The All in all,
The one sole Being of the universe!
The Lord of armies, and the Prince of peace,
Whose humblest follower is a prince with God !—
Our fellow-heir and our inheritance,
Witness and Judge, and ransom and reward,
Originator, mediator, Fine!
For Thou art all of these, and Thou alone!—
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