Hymn, An

The wish'd-for Day, too soon can't come,
For, Lord! I long to go;
Where I shall meet a happier Doom,
Than waits me here below.

No Tie have I, that e'er shall make
Me Wish for a Delay;
No Blessing here, but I'd forsake,
Thy Summons to obey.

O! bless'd, for ever bless'd thy Word
Fulfill'd, O! let it be;
A Pardon to my Foes afford,
Then deign, to pardon me!

A broken Heart thou'lt not despise,
Nor penitential Tears;
Accompany'd with contrite Sighs,
Wherein my Grief appears.

A Grief, well-founded, fervent, great,
By Recollection brought;
A sad Review of my past State,
By aggravating Thought.

My Hopes are centred all in Thee,
Through Thee Remission crave;
And (through thy Merits) hope to be
'Mongst those which thou wilt save.
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