HYMN 44. L.M. The Assurance of Faith
The Lord, whose throne is fix'd on high,
The God of glory and of love,
That treads the clouds beneath his feet,
And rules the wondrous worlds above:
The God that built the starry roof
That over-hangs this spacious earth,
That laid the floors of heav'n with gold,
And gave the whole creation birth:—
This God is mine, and I am his—
Eternal glory to his name!
Though time and nature stop their course,
My God and Saviour is the same.
Though hell and sin, with all their hosts
United rise, my faith to move,
Fix'd on this rock I stand secure,
And triumph in redeeming love.
When earth and heav'n shall roll away,
My soul, beyond the reach of fear,
In a new heav'n shall meet her Lord,
And reign for ever with him there.
The God of glory and of love,
That treads the clouds beneath his feet,
And rules the wondrous worlds above:
The God that built the starry roof
That over-hangs this spacious earth,
That laid the floors of heav'n with gold,
And gave the whole creation birth:—
This God is mine, and I am his—
Eternal glory to his name!
Though time and nature stop their course,
My God and Saviour is the same.
Though hell and sin, with all their hosts
United rise, my faith to move,
Fix'd on this rock I stand secure,
And triumph in redeeming love.
When earth and heav'n shall roll away,
My soul, beyond the reach of fear,
In a new heav'n shall meet her Lord,
And reign for ever with him there.
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