Hymn 5

Hymn V.

In vain the dusky night retires,
And sullen shadows fly:
In vain the morn with purple light
Adorns the eastern sky.

In vain the gaudy rising sun
The wide horizon gilds,
Comes glitt'ring o'er the silver streams,
And chears the dewy fields.

In vain, dispensing vernal sweets,
The morning breezes play;
In vain the birds with chearful songs
Salute the new-born day;

In vain! unless my Saviour's face
These gloomy clouds controul,
And dissipate the sullen shades
That press my drooping soul.

O! visit then thy servant, Lord,
With favour from on high;
Arise, my bright, immortal sun!
And all these shades will die.

When, when, shall I behold thy face
All radiant and serene,
Without these envious dusky clouds
That make a veil between?
When shall that long expected day
Of sacred vision be,
When my impatient soul shall make
A near approach to thee?
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