HYMN 55. L.M. Admiration and Confidence

And may I hope that, when no more
These pulses beat with life below,
I shall the God of life adore,
And all the bliss of being know!

Who deserve no place but hell,
No portion but devouring fire,
Shall I with Christ in glory dwell,
Possest of all I now desire?

Will God, who never could endure
On sin to look without a frown,
With a kind smile pronounce me pure,
And grant me an immortal crown? —

Will Jesus own a wretch like me,
And tell to saints and angels round
That, when he suffer'd on the tree,
My sins augmented ev'ry wound? —

Will he, from life's eternal book
To earth and heav'n proclaim my name
On me, as on his children, look,
And make my lot with theirs the fame

Will Jesus, as my surety, place
Before his Father's glorious throne
Me as an heir of sov'reign grace,
Me as his own adopted son? —

He will! — I read it in his word,
And in my heart the witness feel:
I shall be with and like my Lord,
Though sin oppose in league with hell!

I shall be with him when he comes
Triumphant down the parting skies;
And, when his voice breaks up the tomb
Among his children I shall rise: —

Among his children I shall stand
When quick and dead his throne surround
Blest with a place at his right hand,
And with immortal glory crown'd!

When all his foes beneath his feet
In chains of endless torment lie,
Unworthy I shall fill a seat
Among the princes of the sky!
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