HYMN 56. L.M. Adoration of the Redeemer

Jesus, thy faints assemble here
Thy pow'r and goodness to declare;
Oh may these happy seasons prove
That we have known redeeming love!

And, while of mercies past we speak,
And sing of endless joys to come,
Let thy full glories on us break,
And every thought give Jesus room!

Engrave thy name on ev'ry heart;
And give us all, before we part,
The life-restoring joys to know
Which from thy veins in rivers flow.

No other food may we desire,
No other theme our bosoms fire,
But sov'reign, rich, redeeming love,
While here, and when we dwell above!

Thine everlasting love we sing,
The source whence all our pleasures spring;
How deep it sinks, how high it flows,—
No saint can tell, no angel knows!

Its length and breadth no eye can trace,
No thought explore the bounds of grace;
Like its dear Author's name, it shines
In infinite unfolded lines!

The love which saves our souls from hell
On this side heav'n we ne'er shall tell;
But, when we reach bright Canaan's plain
We'll sound it in immortal strains!
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