HYMN 89. The Subject continued

To Him they shout — to him alone!
Who bears eternal glory's weight,
Who fills the high celestial throne,
And honours that thrice holy seat.
Cho. To Him that lives, but once was slain ,
Be honour, power, and praise. Amen.

To Him who lov'd, and liv'd, and dy'd,
And triumph'd o'er the pow'r of death;
To Him whose wounded hands and side
Add music to celestial breath.
Cho. To Him that lives , &c.

To Him who bore our sins away,
And wash'd our guilty souls with blood;
Who taught our feet the heav'nly way,
And makes us kings and priests to God.
Cho. To Him that lives , &c.

To Him who sent his spirit down,
When we were sinners once on earth,
To raise us to an heav'nly crown,
And give our souls celestial birth.
Cho. To Him that lives , &c.

To Him who shines before our eyes
In robes of uncreated light;
Those glories ever on us rise,
And fill us with supreme delight.
Cho. To Him that lives , &c.

To Him whose everlasting love
Sent forth those precious streams of grace,
Which made us long to dwell above,
And led us to this blissful place.
Cho. To Him that lives , &c.
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