A Hymn of Adoration
J ESUS , Jesus, Jesus,
High and lowly Son;
Son of blessed Mary
And of God in one;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Hail, O Son!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Living Bread Divine,
Feast for holy hunger,
Be that hunger mine;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Bread Divine!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Fount forever filled,
In Thy streams of mercy
Shall my thirst be stilled.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Fount once filled!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Spotless Lamb once slain,
Yet for us unceasing
Offered again;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Lamb once slain!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Victim, Priest, and Lord;
Endless satisfaction
Endlessly adored;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Saviour, Lord!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Name of names most sweet;
Tremble with thanksgiving,
Tongue that may repeat —
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Name most sweet.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
God of God art Thou;
Low in adoration
At Thy Name we bow;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
God art Thou!
Father, Son, and Spirit,
Blessed Three in One
Whose unending praises
Never were begun;
Holy, Holy, Holy,
Three in One!
High and lowly Son;
Son of blessed Mary
And of God in one;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Hail, O Son!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Living Bread Divine,
Feast for holy hunger,
Be that hunger mine;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Bread Divine!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Fount forever filled,
In Thy streams of mercy
Shall my thirst be stilled.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Fount once filled!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Spotless Lamb once slain,
Yet for us unceasing
Offered again;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Lamb once slain!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Victim, Priest, and Lord;
Endless satisfaction
Endlessly adored;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Saviour, Lord!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Name of names most sweet;
Tremble with thanksgiving,
Tongue that may repeat —
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Name most sweet.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
God of God art Thou;
Low in adoration
At Thy Name we bow;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
God art Thou!
Father, Son, and Spirit,
Blessed Three in One
Whose unending praises
Never were begun;
Holy, Holy, Holy,
Three in One!
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