Hymn to Apollo -
Apollo great, whose beames the greater world do light,
And in our little world doe cleare our inward sight,
Which euer shine, though hid from earth by earthly shade,
Whose lights doe euer liue, but in our darknesse fade;
Thou god whose youth was deckt with spoile of Python's skin
(So humble knowledge can throw downe the snakish sinne);
Latona's son, whose birth in paine and trauaile long
Doth teach, to learne the good what trauailes do belong;
In trauaile of our life (a short but tedious space),
While brickle houre-glasse runs, guide thou our panting pace:
Giue vs foresightfull mindes; giue vs mindes to obey
What foresight tels; our thoughts vpon thy knowledge stay.
Let so our fruits grow vp that Nature be maintaind,
But so our hearts keepe downe, with vice they be not stainde
Let this assured hold our iudgements ouertake,
That nothing winnes the heauen but what doth earthe forsake.
And in our little world doe cleare our inward sight,
Which euer shine, though hid from earth by earthly shade,
Whose lights doe euer liue, but in our darknesse fade;
Thou god whose youth was deckt with spoile of Python's skin
(So humble knowledge can throw downe the snakish sinne);
Latona's son, whose birth in paine and trauaile long
Doth teach, to learne the good what trauailes do belong;
In trauaile of our life (a short but tedious space),
While brickle houre-glasse runs, guide thou our panting pace:
Giue vs foresightfull mindes; giue vs mindes to obey
What foresight tels; our thoughts vpon thy knowledge stay.
Let so our fruits grow vp that Nature be maintaind,
But so our hearts keepe downe, with vice they be not stainde
Let this assured hold our iudgements ouertake,
That nothing winnes the heauen but what doth earthe forsake.
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