Hymn: The Spirit Itself Maketh Intercession for Us

The Spirit doth our weakness aid,
When thought, and utterance fail;
When all our words can say is said,
Its sighs and groans avail.

They reach the ear of God on high,
Who doth the heart discern;
He hears the feeblest sufferer's cry,
And swift to him doth turn.

Oh faint not, then, when all thy might
Of thought, and word is gone;
God's help shall make thy burden light,
Thou art not, then, alone.

His Spirit doth within thee dwell,
To comfort, and console;
No tongue the love, and peace can tell,
It brings unto the soul!

And though no voice of man makes known
The prayer, which then we pray;
Yet God doth hear each sigh and groan,
And knows what we would say.
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