Hymns for the Amusement of Children - Hymn 1. Faith
The Father of the Faithful said,
At God's first calling, " Here am I;"
Let us by his example sway'd,
Like him submit, like him reply,
" Go take thy son, thine only son,
" And offer him to God thy King."
The word was giv'n — the work begun,
" The altar pile, the victim bring."
But lo! th' angelic voice above
Bade the great Patriarch stop his hands;
" Know God is everlasting love,
" And must revoke such harsh commands."
Then let us imitate the Seer,
And tender with compliant grace
Ourselves, our souls, and children here,
Hereafter in a better place.
At God's first calling, " Here am I;"
Let us by his example sway'd,
Like him submit, like him reply,
" Go take thy son, thine only son,
" And offer him to God thy King."
The word was giv'n — the work begun,
" The altar pile, the victim bring."
But lo! th' angelic voice above
Bade the great Patriarch stop his hands;
" Know God is everlasting love,
" And must revoke such harsh commands."
Then let us imitate the Seer,
And tender with compliant grace
Ourselves, our souls, and children here,
Hereafter in a better place.
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