Hymns for the Amusement of Children - Hymn 8. Fortitude

Stand fast, my child, and after all,
Yet still stand fast, says holy Paul,
Thy resolution be renew'd,
For this is Christian Fortitude.

Repeat the Lord's own pray'r for grace,
At ev'ry hour in ev'ry place;
Spring up from human to divine,
For strength invincible is thine.

Then, as the great Apostle saith,
'Bove all things take the shield of Faith,
Salvation's helm, and for thy sword,
E'en God's good Spirit and his Word.

And now in dang'rous giddy youth,
Your loins begirt about with Truth;
Your feet with Gospel-peace be shod,
Your breast-plate Righteousness from God.

When to the ghostly fight alarm'd,
Know, soldier, thou'rt completely arm'd,
And free from terror or dismay,
March on, engage, and win the day.
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