Hymns for Baptism - Hymn 10


I N such a grave as this
The meek Redeemer lay,
When he, our souls to seek and save,
Learn'd humbly to obey.

See how the spotless lamb
Descends into the stream!
And teaches sinners not to scorn
What him so well became.

His body sanctifies
The salutary flood,
And teaches us to plunge our souls
I'th' fountain of his blood.

Oh! sinners, wash away
Your sins of crimson dye;
Bury'd with him, your sins shall all
In dark oblivion lie.

Rise, and ascend with him,
A heavenly life to lead,
Who came to rescue guilty men
From regions of the dead.

Lord, see the sinner's tears,
Hear his repenting cry;
Speak, and his contrite soul shall live;
Speak, and his sins shall die:

Speak with that mighty voice,
Which one day wide shall spread
Its summons thro' the earth and sea,
To wake and raise the dead.
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