Hymns for the Lord's Supper - Hymn 12


Gracious redeemer, how divine,
How wond'rous is thy love!
The subject of th' eternal songs
Of blessed spirits above.

Join in the sacred harmony,
Ye saints on earth below,
To praise Immanuel, from whose name
All fragrant odors flow.

He left his crown, he left his throne
By his great father's side;
Wore thorns, sustain'd a heavy cross,
Was scourg'd and crucify'd.

His was the torment, his the curse;
Tho all the guilt was ours:
To cleanse us, on our leprous souls
His vital blood he pours.

Behold how every wound of his
A precious balm distils,
Which heals the scars that sin had made,
With joy the sinner fills.

Those wounds are mouths that preach his grace;
The characters of love;
The seals of our expected bliss
In paradise above.

We see thee at thy table, Lord ,
By faith, with great delight:
O how refin'd those joys will be
When faith is turn'd to sight!
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