I Am Christmas

Now have good day, now have good day!
I am Cristmas, and now I go my way.

Here have I dwelled with more and lass
From Halowtide till Candelmas,
And now must I from you hens pass;
Now have good day!

I take my leve of king and knight,
And erl, baròn, and lady bright;
To wilderness I must me dight;
Now have good day!

And at the good lord of this hall
I take my leve, and of gestes all;
Me think I here Lent doth call;
Now have good day!

And at every worthy officère,
Marshall, panter, and butlère,
I take my leve as for this yere;
Now have good day!

Another yere I trust I shall
Make mery in this hall,
If rest and peace in England fall;
Now have good day!

But oftentimes I have herd say
That he is loth to part away
That often biddeth ‘Have good day!’;
Now have good day!

Now fare ye well, all in fere,
Now fare ye well for all this yere;
Yet for my sake make ye good chere;
Now have good day!
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