I Am a Wild Young Irish Boy

1. Sure, I am a wild young Irish boy and from
Dubalin town I came, Transported out to Van
Dieman's Land; of it I ain't ashamed. Sure, I'll
have you all to know, me byes, that whereever I may be, I'll
die at my post like an Irish lad, or a wild colonial boy!

2 Now, I done my time in Hobart and they sent me over here.
They yoked me to a plough, and the fields for me to tier.
But I didn't understand farming, as I had been to sea;
I'd sailed the oceans far and wide, so I a farmer could not be.

3 But I became a bold young renegade and I traveled far and near.
Oh, I robbed the rich and I gave to the poor; of it I ain't ashamed.
But I never killed a man that didn't cause me any pain;
But the troopers knew Jack O'Brien, and they let me ride for gain.

4 Now, one morning in the merry month of May, sure I did find
A wagon bringin' in gold from the Ben di go find.
" Oh, halt, you boys, and 'old up your 'ands! " — when a sergeant did appear.
Says he, " Look, Jack O'Brien, me boy, you'll do this once too near!

5 " Your time it is over and you sure must fight or die! "
" Then I'll fight the six of you troopers, and I am only one.
Sure I'll fight to the end or victory, and I don't give a damn.
I'll be at my post like an Irish lad or a wild colonial boy. "

6 Now, the six troopers fell upon the ground, from their 'orses off did slide,
And the sergeant he cried out to Jack Donahoo [O'Brien?] to abide.
" By the law, you're a prisoner! " " Then take me, " said old Jack.
" But Sergeant, you've got some children, and look that I don't shoot the track!

7 " McKenzie, you're a brave man, and I 'ate like 'ell to do,
To take your wife and children's bread from them for to kill you.
So take my advice and ride away, and don't say what I've done.
I'm only takin' this gold to buy some pleasin' place for some. "

8 Now, when I'm far away and the farmers all will buy
Foine horses and foine wagons for their farms to die upon [whereon to die?],
Sure you'll all live to wonder why Jack Donahoo [O'Brien?] would say
That I work for the farmers night and day, and for the rich and poor I've prayed.

9 I've robbed the coaches day and night, but I never robbed the poor.
I have never committed murder, nor have I strayed from fields galore.
I'm chased from country to country and from borderline to town [sea?],
But ne'er can they catch bold Jack again, for O'Brien is far away.

10 Now at last I'm lying on my bed and God does only know
I haven't long to live, I know, for I surely must go.
I would love to tell the truth — oh, before I pass away,
But I would love for some poor person to collect that bounty pay!

11 Sure I'm still a wild old renegade; Starlight is my name.
Oh, they've looked for me from shore to shore and along the coast for miles [the same?]
From state to state they've chased me, and at last I'm on my bed.
If that newsboy would only come in, I'd tell him what to do [tell him, O'Brien said?]

12 Just then the door it opened and the newsboy did come in [found Jack in bed?]
" Good mornin', Captain Starlight. Oh, good morning, sir, " he said.
No answer but a beckon and a little note to say:
" Jack O'Brien is dying and he wants you for to take

13 " This note unto your mother, and let her do the rest,
And call the doctor first, and the police can come at last.
They can take my body away, and they never will be able to say
That Jack O'Brien [that I?] didn't die like an Irish lad or a wild colonial boy! "

14 Now, I've traveled through the bushes, oh, both night and day,
With my bundle on my shoulder and a billy-can in my hand;
But I've always played the game, as every Australian should,
I've died at my post like an Irish lad, or a wild colonial boy.
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