I cannot sleepe, my eyes ill neighbouring lids
malevole:I cannot sleepe, my eyes ill neighbouring lids
Will holde no fellowship: O thou pale sober night,
Thou that in sluggish fumes all sence doost steepe:
Thou that gives all the world full leave to play,
Unbendst the feebled veines of sweatie labour;
The gally-slave that, all the toilesome day,
Tugges at his oare against the stubburne wave,
Straining his rugged veines; snores fast:
The stooping sith-man that doth barbe the field,
Thou makest winke sure: in night all creatures sleepe,
Onely the Malecontent that gainst his fate,
Repines and quarrells, alas hee's goodman tell-clocke;
His sallow jaw-bones sinke with wasting mone,
Whilst other beds are downe, his pillowes stone.
Will holde no fellowship: O thou pale sober night,
Thou that in sluggish fumes all sence doost steepe:
Thou that gives all the world full leave to play,
Unbendst the feebled veines of sweatie labour;
The gally-slave that, all the toilesome day,
Tugges at his oare against the stubburne wave,
Straining his rugged veines; snores fast:
The stooping sith-man that doth barbe the field,
Thou makest winke sure: in night all creatures sleepe,
Onely the Malecontent that gainst his fate,
Repines and quarrells, alas hee's goodman tell-clocke;
His sallow jaw-bones sinke with wasting mone,
Whilst other beds are downe, his pillowes stone.
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