I pray you, be mery and synge with me

I pray you, be mery and synge with me
In worship of Cristys nativite.

Into this world this day dide com
Jhesu Criste, bothe God and man,
Lorde and servant in on person,
Born of the blessid virgin Mary.

He that was riche withowt any nede
Appered in this world in right pore wede
To mak us that were pore indede
Riche withowt any nede trewly.

A stabill was his chambre; a crach was his bed;
He had not a pylow to lay under his hed;
With maydyns mylk that babe was fedde;
In pore clothis was lappid the Lord Almyghty.

A noble lesson here is us tawght:
To set all wordly riches at nawght,
But pray we that we may be theder browght
Wher riches ys everlastyngly.
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