As I Walked Out One Night

As I walked out one night, it being dark all over,
The moon did show no light I could discover,
Down by a river-side where ships were sailing,
A lonely maid I spied, weeping and bewailing.

I boldly stept up to her, and asked what grieved her,
She made this reply, None could relieve her,
"For my love is pressed,' she cried, "to cross the ocean,
My mind is like the Sea; always in motion.'

He said, "My pretty fair maid, mark well my story,
For your true love and I fought for England's glory,
By one unlucky shot we both got parted,
And by the wounds he got, I'm broken hearted.

"He told me before he died, his heart was broken,
He gave me this gold ring, take it for a token,--
"Take this unto my dear, there is no one fairer,
Tell her to be kind and love the bearer." '

Soon as these words he spoke she ran distracted,
Not knowing what she did, nor how she acted,
She run ashore, her hair showing her anger,
"Young man, you've come too late, for I'll wed no stranger.'

Soon as these words she spoke, his love grew stronger,
He flew into her arms, he could wait no longer,
They both sat down and sung, but she sung clearest,
Like a nightingale in spring, "Welcome home, my dearest.'

He sang, "God bless the wind that blew him over.'
She sang, "God bless the ship that brought him over.'
They both sat down and sung but she sung clearest,
Like a nightingale in spring, "Welcome home, my dearest.'
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