As I was Ridinge by the Way
As I was ryding by the way,
a woman p ro fered me a bagge,
&40 tye . cattell more, to stay
& giue her belly but Aswagge
A pox on the whore, they were but scrapps
tha t I supposed was single monye;
the cattell had lice, or else p er happs
I had light and tooke her by the coney
I had not further rydd a Myle
but I mett w i th a market Maide
who sunge, the way for to beguile,
in these same words, and thus shee said:
" I see the Bull dothe Bull the cow;
& shall I liue a maiden still?
I see the bore doth brim the sow;
& yet there is neuer a Iacke for gill "
I had some hope, & to her spoke,
" sweet hart, shall I put my fresh in thine? "
" w i th all my hart, S i r! yo u r nose in my arse, "
q uo th she, " for to keepe out the winde. "
Shee ryde vpon a tyred mare,
& to reuenge noe time w i thstoode,
I bluntlye asket p ro to occupye her;
but first shee wold know wherfore tha t was good
" It will make thee liuelye, " I did say,
" put Ioy and spiritt in stead of woee "
" then occupy my mare, I pray,
good S i r, for shee can hardlye goe "
I milder grew, & wold but feele:
She said she was neuer felt, but kist;
I was content, & shee said, " weele,
youst kisse my bum & feele my fist "
I was red & pale w i th shame & spight
to be soe answered of the drabb,
tha t I swore, & spurrd, & away did ride,
& of my wooinge was noe blabbe.
a woman p ro fered me a bagge,
&40 tye . cattell more, to stay
& giue her belly but Aswagge
A pox on the whore, they were but scrapps
tha t I supposed was single monye;
the cattell had lice, or else p er happs
I had light and tooke her by the coney
I had not further rydd a Myle
but I mett w i th a market Maide
who sunge, the way for to beguile,
in these same words, and thus shee said:
" I see the Bull dothe Bull the cow;
& shall I liue a maiden still?
I see the bore doth brim the sow;
& yet there is neuer a Iacke for gill "
I had some hope, & to her spoke,
" sweet hart, shall I put my fresh in thine? "
" w i th all my hart, S i r! yo u r nose in my arse, "
q uo th she, " for to keepe out the winde. "
Shee ryde vpon a tyred mare,
& to reuenge noe time w i thstoode,
I bluntlye asket p ro to occupye her;
but first shee wold know wherfore tha t was good
" It will make thee liuelye, " I did say,
" put Ioy and spiritt in stead of woee "
" then occupy my mare, I pray,
good S i r, for shee can hardlye goe "
I milder grew, & wold but feele:
She said she was neuer felt, but kist;
I was content, & shee said, " weele,
youst kisse my bum & feele my fist "
I was red & pale w i th shame & spight
to be soe answered of the drabb,
tha t I swore, & spurrd, & away did ride,
& of my wooinge was noe blabbe.
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