I, who doe feele the highest part of griefe

I, who doe feele the highest part of griefe
Shall I bee left without reliefe:
I, who for you doe cruell torments beare
Will you alas leave mee in feare;
Know comfort never could more wellcom bee
Then in this needfull time to mee,
One drop of comfort will bee higher priz'd
Then seas of joyes, if once dispisd;
Turne nott the tortures which for you I try
Upon my hart to make mee dy;
Have I offended? t'was att your desire
When by your vowes, you felt lov's fire;
What I did erre in, was to please your will,
Can you gett, and the ofspring kill?
The greatest fault which I committed have
Is, you did ask, I freely gave,
Kindly relent, lett causeless curstnes fly
Give butt one sigh, I blest shall dy:
Butt O you can nott, I have much displeasd,
Striving to gaine, I losse have seaz'd;
My state I see, and you your ends have gain'd
I'me lost, since you have mee obtain'd,
And since I can nott please your first desire
I'le blow, and nourish scorners fire,
As Salimanders in the fire doe live
Soe shall those flames my being give,
And though against your will, I live, and move
Forsaken creatures live and love;
Doe you proceed; and you may well confess
You wrong'd my care, when I care less.
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