If default from out thy musky Tress's hair hath past, 'tis past
If default from out thy musky Tress's hair hath past, 'tis past;
If from thy swart mole oppression To our share hath past, 'tis past.
If Love's levin burn the harvest Of the wool-wearer, 'tis burned;
If unright from King to beggar Poor and base hath past, 'tis past.
If a heart must bear a burden From the charmer's glance, 'tis borne;
'Twixt the soul and the Beloved Whatsoe'er hath past, 'tis past.
Thanks to talebearers and sland'rers, Still reproach and blame arise;
But 'twixt friends if aught unseemly; Aught unfair, hath past, 'tis past.
In love's way forbid vexation Is of spirit. Bring thou wine;
Every trouble, like all gladness That whilere hath past, 'tis past.
To the game of Love long-suff'ring Appertaineth: heart, stand fast;
If chagrin or if oppression O'er thee there hath past, 'tis past.
Blame not Hafiz that the cloister He forsook. The freeman's foot
Bind how wilt thou? If it unto Anywhere hath past, 'tis past.
If from thy swart mole oppression To our share hath past, 'tis past.
If Love's levin burn the harvest Of the wool-wearer, 'tis burned;
If unright from King to beggar Poor and base hath past, 'tis past.
If a heart must bear a burden From the charmer's glance, 'tis borne;
'Twixt the soul and the Beloved Whatsoe'er hath past, 'tis past.
Thanks to talebearers and sland'rers, Still reproach and blame arise;
But 'twixt friends if aught unseemly; Aught unfair, hath past, 'tis past.
In love's way forbid vexation Is of spirit. Bring thou wine;
Every trouble, like all gladness That whilere hath past, 'tis past.
To the game of Love long-suff'ring Appertaineth: heart, stand fast;
If chagrin or if oppression O'er thee there hath past, 'tis past.
Blame not Hafiz that the cloister He forsook. The freeman's foot
Bind how wilt thou? If it unto Anywhere hath past, 'tis past.
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