In Imitation of Come My Daphne , a Dialogue Between Pluto and Oliver

C O me Imp Royal, come away,
Into black night we will turn bright day. Oliver .
'Tis Pluto calls, what would my Syre? Pluto .
Come, follow me to the Stygian fire,
Where Ireton doth wait
To welcome thee in state. Oliver .
Were I in bed with Lamberts wife,
I'de quit those joyes for such a life. Pluto .
My Princely Nol make hast,
For thee we keep a Fast. Oliver .
In these dismal shades will I
Unto thee unfold my Villany. Pluto .
In my bosome I'll thee lay,
For thy sake wee'l all keep holyday. Chorus .

We'll rage and roar, and fry in flames,
And Charles himself shall see
How damn'dly we agree,
Yet scorn to change our Chains
For his eternal diety.
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