The Indians' Belief in a Future State

Beyond the river, they believe
A happy country still is found,
When their wild, roving life is o'er,
Where forests, streams and game abound.

Beyond the canons' gloomy sides,
Where scarce can pierce the light of day,
A happy hunting-ground there is,
Though men know not the trackless way.

Beyond the mountains' distant heights
There is a fairer earth and sky,
Where, unmolested, they shall dwell
As warriors, hunters, when they die.

Beyond the ocean, where the sun
Sinks in his journey to the west,
They say their weary, wandering tribes
Shall find at length a home, a rest.

Thus dream they of the spirit-land,
Nor higher rest they hope to find;
They know no country of the soul,
No home for the immortal mind.

Beyond, and still beyond we gaze,
For the green earth is not our home;
A heavenly country, too, we seek,
Where we, like them, no more shall roam.
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