
My Mamma is a mean old sing,
An' toss as she tan be;
I'm doeing to pack my doll trunt,
An' doe to Ga'n'ma Lee.

My Mamma baked a dinger tate,
Den panked me shameful hard,
Dust 'tause I stuck my finder in,
An' filled de holes wiz lard.

If I was down to G'an'ma Lee,
She'd say “Ionie, shame!”
And fen I 'ud tommence to ky,
She'd call me pitty names.

But Mamma, fus, she slapped my ear,
Den jerked me fum de chair,
And panked and flung me on de lounge,
An' said, “You dus' lay dere!”

I'm doein' to tell my Papa, too,
Fen he tum home tonight,
He'll take me back to g'an'ma,
An' out of Mamma's sight.

An' fen she det so lonesome,
Like she did las' week, an' kied,
I won't yun out an' tiss her,
I'm doeing way, an' hide.
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