Integrity's Improvement of the Means of Divine Knowlege

The more thy gospel is survey'd,
Blest Jesus, I the more approve.
Thy truths, thy law, thy promise weigh'd,
I fix my faith, my hope, my love.

Thus fix'd, unshaken they remain;
Cherish'd with thy nutritious care:
And fruit, from an immortal grain,
Grateful to thee, O Father, bear.

Whether to thy creating will
Nobler or meaner gifts I owe;
May I my stewardship fulfill,
May I in faith and goodness grow.

Water'd by nature's richest streams,
And by salvation's fountain fed;
On vigorous root, beneath thy beams,
Integrity exalts its head.

But though the toils of life oppress
My days, and few thy gifts to me;
My humble rank of virtue bless:
Thy love will bless integrity.
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