Intercessor, An

Make me an Intercessor,
One who can really pray,
One of the Lord's remembrancers,
By night as well as day.

Make me an Intercessor,
Through whom the spirit can plead,
For the sin and sorrow on ever side
Of this world in darkness and need.

Make me an Intercessor,
In spirit-touch with Thee,
And given the Heavenly vision,
Pray through to victory.

Make me an Intercessor,
Teach me how to prevail,
To stand my ground and still pray on,
Though powers of hell assail.

Make me an Intercessor,
'Til pleading at Thy Throne,
The sins and sorrows of other lives
Become as my very own.

Make me an Intercessor,
Sharing Thy Death and life,
In prayer claiming for others
Victory in the strife.

Make me an Intercessor,
Willing for deeper death,
Emptied, broken, then made anew,
And filled with Living Breath.

Make me an Intercessor,
Hidden—unknown—set apart,
Thought little of by those around,
But satisfying Thine Heart.
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