Introduction to His Royal Highness

Nor me the Glories of thy Birth engage,
With Royal Names to swell my pompous Page;
Nor meaner Views allure, in soothing Lays
To court thy Favour with officious Praise.
Yet Praise it is, thus to address thine Ear
In Strains no Slave dare sing, no Tyrant hear;
While warm for Britain 's Rights and Nature's Laws,
I call forth Britain 's Hope in Freedom's Cause;
Assert an Empire which to A LL belongs,
And vindicate a World's long suffer'd Wrongs.

 These saving Truths import Thee most to know,
The Links that tie the Mighty to the Low;
What now, our Fellow-Subject , is your Due,
And, when our Prince , shall be a Debt on You .
O! may'st Thou to the Throne such Maxims bring!
And feel the Free-man, whilst Thou reign'st the King!

 Far hence the Tribe, whose servile Arts delude,
And teach the Great to spurn the Multitude!
Are Those unworthy of the Royal Hair ,
Who claim the future Monarch's duteous Care?
Still may thy Thoughts the Godlike Task pursue,
And to the Many ne'er prefer the Few!
Still may'st Thou fly thy Fortune's specious Friends,
Who deal forth sovereign Grace to private Ends;
In narrow Streams divert the copious Tide,
Exalt one Sect, and damn the World beside;
While with false Lights directing partial Rule,
The Lord of Nations falls a Party's Tool.
Such there have been——and such, in Truth's Despite,
Disgrac'd the Cause of Liberty and Right;
But Thou shalt rise superior to their Arts,
And fix Thy Empire in a People's Hearts.

 Nor hence may Faction boast her favour'd Claim,
Where selfish Passion borrows Virtue's Name:
Free Government alone preserves the Free ,
And righteous Rule is Gen'ral Liberty;
There guiding Law is Freedom's native Voice,
The Publick Good defin'd by Publick Choice;
And justly should the bold Offenders fall,
Who dare invade the sov'reign Rights of All:
A King who proudly makes these Claims his own,
Or They whose Rage would shake a lawful Throne.
From Truths like these proceeds a Right Divine,
And may the Pow'r that rais'd, preserve Thy scepter'd Line!
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