Irregular Ode to the Sun

I LLUSTRIOUS Regent of the sky,
High-throned Lord of Light,
Whose beams the glow of life supply,
Serenely or insufferably bright!
Thee the tendant Seasons praise,
Wanton, 'mid thy genial rays;
Blushing S PRING , profuse of flow'rs,
Her tresses dank with pearly show'rs;
Fair-hair'd Summer clad in green,
A UTUMN , poppy-crowned Queen,
Even W INTER and his hoar F ROSTS drink,
Thy living heat and shrink!
Soon to spread his vapours grey,
O'er the radiant eye of day;
Soon Desolation's with'ring blight to breathe,
And fold thy orient flowers in the cold grasp of Death.

Meanwhile in thy superior sphere,
Thou smil'st! — the brumal blasts decay,
Young berries gem the rising spray,
And Nature's choir enchant the ravish'd ear.
Fresh springs the rosy year,
Despight of his ungracious reign,
The riv'lets burst their icy chain,
Gay-broider'd banks in beauteous bloom appear,
And tow'ring trees aloft their nodding fruitage rear.

Glorious on yon tall orchard's vernal brow,
To mark thy westering blushes play,
Gild the rich verdure with imperial glow,
And weave each glittering branch with many a ray;
Hesperian scene! the elves mistake,
Thy glorious lustre for the gleam of eve,
And thronging from the burnish'd brake,
Thy last, low-ebbing light receive.

Around thy golden chariot fly
The T ENDER T RANSPORTS , gently coy,
To smoothe thy billowy bed that shines
A purple world, soft-streak'd with silvery lines.
Ah! when thou seek'st thy nether stage,
The felon spirits wildly rage,
Then Midnight lets her troops infernal loose,
And seares the pensive Muse,

Till from the opening arch of Morn,
Thou issuest with thy merry train,
Hang with gay dews the livery'd thorn,
And rouse the woodland strain;
Blithe I NDUSTRY and H EALTH their scrip prepare,
Seize the strong instuments of toil amain,
O'erstride the bending stalk, and breathe the scented air.

Long may'st thou, noblest Sultan of the east,
Revel amidst the skirted clouds of light,
And long with solemn orb decreast,
Mix thy bright tissues thro' the veil of night.
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