I've a Shooting Box in Scotland


Nowadays, it's rather nobby
To regard one's private hobby
As the object of one's tenderest affections;
Some excel at Alpine climbing
Others have a turn for rhyming,
While a lot of people go in for collections.

Such as prints by Hiroshigi,
Edelweiss from off the Rigi,
Jacobean soup tureens,
Early types of limousines,
Pipes constructed from a dry cob,
Baseball hits by Mister Ty Cobb,
Locks of Mrs. Browning's hair,
Photographs of Ina Claire,


Oh, the rain comes pitter, patter,
And I'd like to be safe in bed.
Skies are weeping, while the world is sleeping,
Trouble heaping on our head.
It is vain to remain and chatter,
And to wait for a clearer sky,
Helter skelter, I must fly for shelter
Till the clouds roll by.


What bad luck, it's coming down in buckets;
Have you an umbrella handy? He

I've a warm coat, waterproof, a storm coat,
I shall be alright, I know,
Later on, too, I will ward the grippe off,
With a little nip of brandy. She

Or a glass of toddy draining,
You'd find that more sustaining.
Don't be worried, I entreat,
I've rubbers for my feet,
So I don't mind it raining.
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