Jesus Christ the Physician of Sinners

Divine Physician of the morbid mind
Jesus; thy pow'rful skill,
For every moral ill,
A sovereign remedy can find.

To reason, darken'd and infirm with sin,
Thou vision canst restore,
With strength unknown before;
And a new world in man begin.

'Tis thy prerogative the soul to move;
The hard and stubborn heart
Yields to thy soft'ning art,
Melts into grief, and glows with love.

The will in bondage, and to vice inur'd,
Redeem'd, O Lord, by thee,
Exults in liberty,
To righteousness and God secur'd.

The most unruly passions thou canst tame,
The foulest thou canst clean,
The gloomy make serene,
And change a tyger to a lamb.

O beauteous work, benevolent, and great!
With dignity of thought
And generous passions fraught,
And the sweet peace of virtue's state.

In virtue thy unrivall'd kingdom stands;
Virtue thy conquests spreads,
Thy hand the virtuous leads,
All virtue's laws are thy commands.

His praise sing aloud, ye children of day,
Sing aloud his high name,
And his glory proclaim,
Who cloaths you in virtue's array.

To Calv'ry's martyr all glory be giv'n,
Who will wash us from stain,
That with him we may reign,
And walk in white raiment in heav'n.
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