Johnie Cock


" Come, Buck, come, Bouncer, my three bloodhounds, "
For tomorrow we must go
Away to the Broadway Low
To hunt the buck and doe. "


Johnny's mother heard him say so
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
" My blessings on you Johnny, " she said,
" Take counsel and stay at home.


" There are the seven foresters
In the Broadway Low,
And for three drops of thy heart's blood
Would dare three sobs to hell. "


Johnny heard his mother say so,
Made him wondrous keen;
He threw off his robes of red
And put on a light Lincoln green.


Johnny saddled his steed
And his three bloodhounds at his command,
And a sheaf of arrows at his side
As he rode along the strand.


Johnny shot and the dun deer left
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Till he came to the waters wide;
There he laid himself down to sleep.


First he drew out his fine bugle horn
And blew a blast of pride,
Which awoke six of the seven foresters
That lay by the hawthorn side.


Up jumped the seventh forester
And said, " That is a blast well blown.
Are there a man among you all
Can blow such as him? "


They rode over hills and vales
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Till they came to a silly old man,
By an ill death may he die.


" What news have you, old man, for me?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Or else by the sword that hangs by my side,
By the point you shall die. "


" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No news have I for thee;
Only yonder lies the widow's fairest son
That ever my eyes could see. "


They rode over hills
And mountains high
Till they came to the very spot
Where Johnny Cock did lie.


They bent three bows
And broad arrows did they let fly;
They wounded poor Johnny Cock
A little above the eye.


" Woe be to you, seven foresters,
That would do such a deed to I.
Is there a wolf in the Broadway Low
That would do such a deed to me? "


Johnny bent a bow
Bent of an ivory bone,
And shot among the seven foresters
And killed them all but one.


Besides he wounded the seventh forester
And broke his collar bone,
And threw him across his saddle
To carry the tidings home.


" Is there any pretty bird in the Broadway Low
That can whistle what I say,
That will go to fair Eleanor's window
And take fair Johnny away? "
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