Johnny Wrangle's Epitaph
Here lies Johnny Wrangle, who spoke well of no man,
Nor ever did service to man, child, or woman;
Was always delighted when mischief was brewing,
Or story was told to another man's ruin;
Who lov'd opposition much dearer than life,
Much better than brother, or nephews, or wife:
When apply'd to was rough, ill-natur'd, and huffish,
Bore no lot , and yet once was a JACK in an office,
Who carry'd his rancour of mind in his face,
And whose friendships were only a smile and grimace.
O where is he now! could he pass heaven 's gate?
Who was always on earth in strife and debate;
But he's gone , we should think and hope for the best,
His body is here, — let us trust for the rest.
Nor ever did service to man, child, or woman;
Was always delighted when mischief was brewing,
Or story was told to another man's ruin;
Who lov'd opposition much dearer than life,
Much better than brother, or nephews, or wife:
When apply'd to was rough, ill-natur'd, and huffish,
Bore no lot , and yet once was a JACK in an office,
Who carry'd his rancour of mind in his face,
And whose friendships were only a smile and grimace.
O where is he now! could he pass heaven 's gate?
Who was always on earth in strife and debate;
But he's gone , we should think and hope for the best,
His body is here, — let us trust for the rest.
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