A Jolt on Michaelmas Day 1654
To the Tune of
It fell on a day,
When good People say
St. Michael beat the Dragon,
My Lord the Protector
Did drive (like a Hector )
A Coach instead of a Wagon.
Because he did hear
The Chareteer
Did antiently wear a Crown,
Up went the Horse-heels,
Round round went the Wheeles,
'Till his Highnesse came head-long down.
He reign'd them so hard,
They look'd back and were scar'd
To see him so red and so grim
Away then they fled,
And though he us'd to lead,
This new-modell'd Horse would lead him.
But O how they snuff
When his Pistol flew off,
For which all the Saints suspect him,
Doth Providence attend him,
Thirty thousand defend him,
Yet a poor Pocket-pistol protect him;
How many a Hurl
Had poor Mr. Thurl — —
— Lo! He in the Coach did prank it:
He thought he had sate
Chief Secretary of State,
But was toss'd like a Dog in a Blanket.
Nay had they run faster
Hee'd follow his Master
Through all the Sceans of this Mad-show:
A Brewer, a Collonel,
A Preacher, a General,
A Protector, a King — — then comes Bradshaw .
They slander my Lord
With a bug-bear Word,
That he did like Phaeton drive;
But his Highness try'd
Six Horses to guide,
And Phaeton had now five .
Mad Phaeton hurl'd
Fire all o're the World,
Then dead in a River was found:
But my Lord had no ayme
To set all in a flame,
And never was born to be drown'd.
'Twas Nero did strive
Such Charets to drive,
And publickly shew'd his Work,
But when my Lord sticks
Up his Bills to shew tricks,
Hee'l undo th'other dauncing Turk .
But if you look high,
There's some reason why
These Jades did so fling and skip,
For though we afford
Him the power of the Sword ,
He had no command of the Whip .
Enthron'd in his Chair
(What a pox did He there?)
He took such Protectorly courses,
He seem'd Horse and Mule,
But 'tis easier to rule
Three Kingdoms, than six Horses.
Not a day nor an hour
But we felt his Power,
And now he would shew us his Art:
His first Reproach
Is a fall from a Coach,
And his last will be from a Cart.
It fell on a day,
When good People say
St. Michael beat the Dragon,
My Lord the Protector
Did drive (like a Hector )
A Coach instead of a Wagon.
Because he did hear
The Chareteer
Did antiently wear a Crown,
Up went the Horse-heels,
Round round went the Wheeles,
'Till his Highnesse came head-long down.
He reign'd them so hard,
They look'd back and were scar'd
To see him so red and so grim
Away then they fled,
And though he us'd to lead,
This new-modell'd Horse would lead him.
But O how they snuff
When his Pistol flew off,
For which all the Saints suspect him,
Doth Providence attend him,
Thirty thousand defend him,
Yet a poor Pocket-pistol protect him;
How many a Hurl
Had poor Mr. Thurl — —
— Lo! He in the Coach did prank it:
He thought he had sate
Chief Secretary of State,
But was toss'd like a Dog in a Blanket.
Nay had they run faster
Hee'd follow his Master
Through all the Sceans of this Mad-show:
A Brewer, a Collonel,
A Preacher, a General,
A Protector, a King — — then comes Bradshaw .
They slander my Lord
With a bug-bear Word,
That he did like Phaeton drive;
But his Highness try'd
Six Horses to guide,
And Phaeton had now five .
Mad Phaeton hurl'd
Fire all o're the World,
Then dead in a River was found:
But my Lord had no ayme
To set all in a flame,
And never was born to be drown'd.
'Twas Nero did strive
Such Charets to drive,
And publickly shew'd his Work,
But when my Lord sticks
Up his Bills to shew tricks,
Hee'l undo th'other dauncing Turk .
But if you look high,
There's some reason why
These Jades did so fling and skip,
For though we afford
Him the power of the Sword ,
He had no command of the Whip .
Enthron'd in his Chair
(What a pox did He there?)
He took such Protectorly courses,
He seem'd Horse and Mule,
But 'tis easier to rule
Three Kingdoms, than six Horses.
Not a day nor an hour
But we felt his Power,
And now he would shew us his Art:
His first Reproach
Is a fall from a Coach,
And his last will be from a Cart.
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