[Joseph Swallow's Advice]

We have read the country paper by the sunlight and the taper, and the burden of the " leader " lays upon our heart a weight.
This the substance of the sermon, " Let the Government determine that the public time and money isn't wasted on debate.
" Let it go for irrigation, or make easy immigration of desirable and wealthy farmers from across the seas;
" Open lands to free selection, have a moderate protection, thus encouraging the progress of our local industries.

" Let the Government, " and so on, That's the way the papers go on — let them go as indicated. But the bother is they don't.
" That's the path, we always knew it; why the members don't pursue it is because they're not inclined to, or in short because they won't.
" Why they won't? — But it is treason to attempt to give a reason. We're inclined to fancy rather that they've got into a mess.
" But the pathway would be lighted, and the wrongs would all be righted, if the Government included — Yours to order — Joseph S — — "
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