Joy Among the Angels

There is joy in heav'n among the angels,
When a wanderer returns to the fold, —
When he comes to seek a place of safety,
After straying in the dark and cold.
There is joy among the angels,
There is joy among the angels when a wanderer returns;
There is joy ... among the angels,
When a wanderer returns to the fold. . . .
There is joy on earth among the righteous,
There are faithful hearts that thrill with delight,
When a soul is given to the Saviour —
Led to trust the gentle Shepherd's might.
You can give that joy to saints and angels,
For the loving Shepherd calls you today,
Heav'n and earth will join to bid you welcome,
Do not linger, do not longer stray.
There is joy, yes, there is joy among the angels,
There is joy, yes, there is joy among the angels, to the fold.
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