Joy in Sorrow - Song 2
Song II
Hearken what God doth speak
To such as mourn aright,
That under his Afflicting hand
Are broken and contrite.
Blessed are those that mourn;
They shall be comforted:
As first in Sorrow, so in Joy
They shall be like their Head.
Thus saith the lofty One,
Th' Eternal, Holy Lord;
I dwell in humble contrite Hearts,
That tremble at my Word:
Their Spirits to revive,
And greatly them to chear;
For I'le not always angry be,
With such as do me fear.
Yea Christ anointed is
To binde the broken heart;
To comfort such as mourn aright
And to relieve their smart.
Thou need'st not doubt, but that
Most seas'nably he will
In pity and in faithfulness
His office well fulfil.
Hee'll heal thy broken heart
And up thy wounds will binde:
He will raise up the bowed down:
He to the Just is kinde.
Hee'll not cast off for ay:
But though grief cause he should,
Yet will he have compassion
In's Mercies manifold.
Though Sorrow may abide
And tarry for a night:
Comfort will come at break of day,
And Joy at Morning light.
For Christ doth his support,
And comfort in distress:
He will not leave them Orphan-like,
All sad and comfortless.
Another comforter
He promiseth to leave,
His holy Spirit, whom the world
Knows not, nor can receive
He shall abide with them,
And them most Joyfull make:
And this their joy no mortal man,
Nor Dev'l shall from them take.
In Tribulations great
He teacheth them to glory:
And under Sufferings to rejoyce,
Which use to make them sorry.
When as their outward case
Is most calamitous:
He can give joy unspeakable;
And also glorious.
But what they here enjoy
Is but a little taste,
Unto the Harvest of that joy
They shall receive at last.
These are but the first-fruits,
Joy's fulness is before
God's face and eke at his right hand
Are pleasures evermore.
Hearken what God doth speak
To such as mourn aright,
That under his Afflicting hand
Are broken and contrite.
Blessed are those that mourn;
They shall be comforted:
As first in Sorrow, so in Joy
They shall be like their Head.
Thus saith the lofty One,
Th' Eternal, Holy Lord;
I dwell in humble contrite Hearts,
That tremble at my Word:
Their Spirits to revive,
And greatly them to chear;
For I'le not always angry be,
With such as do me fear.
Yea Christ anointed is
To binde the broken heart;
To comfort such as mourn aright
And to relieve their smart.
Thou need'st not doubt, but that
Most seas'nably he will
In pity and in faithfulness
His office well fulfil.
Hee'll heal thy broken heart
And up thy wounds will binde:
He will raise up the bowed down:
He to the Just is kinde.
Hee'll not cast off for ay:
But though grief cause he should,
Yet will he have compassion
In's Mercies manifold.
Though Sorrow may abide
And tarry for a night:
Comfort will come at break of day,
And Joy at Morning light.
For Christ doth his support,
And comfort in distress:
He will not leave them Orphan-like,
All sad and comfortless.
Another comforter
He promiseth to leave,
His holy Spirit, whom the world
Knows not, nor can receive
He shall abide with them,
And them most Joyfull make:
And this their joy no mortal man,
Nor Dev'l shall from them take.
In Tribulations great
He teacheth them to glory:
And under Sufferings to rejoyce,
Which use to make them sorry.
When as their outward case
Is most calamitous:
He can give joy unspeakable;
And also glorious.
But what they here enjoy
Is but a little taste,
Unto the Harvest of that joy
They shall receive at last.
These are but the first-fruits,
Joy's fulness is before
God's face and eke at his right hand
Are pleasures evermore.
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