In Judicando Criminosa Est Celeritas

To cut off life by Law of such whose Crimes
Fall out as euill, from an hopefull good
May proue, though iust iniurious to the Times
Wherein they liue in deed, or likelihood:
For Iustice though she equall be to all
Yet, by aduice of Prudence she doth spare
Hopefull Delinquents though they fowly fall
Only because they oft most hopefull are:
For had Miltiades at first bin slaine
When he in Chersonesus tyranizd;
Where had the Battaile bin got on the Plaine
Of Marrathon , that's so immortalizd:
Or els had Cimon or Themistocles
Bin done to death for their lasciuious life
(For which proscribd was Alcibiades )
How had the Athenians conquest been so rife?
The Battailes neere the flood Eurimedon
Had not bin gaind to their past, gaineful good;
Nor from the Mountaine Artemision
Had they sent streaming downe their Foe mens Bloud:
For, royall Mynds, greate Harts, and actiue Hands
(With nimble Wit among) can nought effect
But what with wonder (if not glory) stands
Sith meane Attempts they do (as base) reiect.
Nor can their Natures motion idle be
That is so restlesse quick and violent,
(Still working like a Billow of the Sea)
Till it bee staide in some moode premanent
But as vnskilfull Husbandmen reiect,
The fattest Grounds sith they beare Weeds, or worse:
When expert'st Husbands those in chiefe ellect
Sith well they wott, fatt Grounds make fatt their Purse
So do, at first, greate Witts, and haughtie Sprights
Produce strange fruits that feede but leane Decay,
Which wee detesting weene they had their rights
To bee cut off, and ridd out of the way:
Which doth proceede from iudgment most deprau'd,
Though in desire that Iustice might take place,
Sith if those Men had bin in Mercie saud
They for that mercie might their Countrie grace:
For when with Iudgments best-discerning Eye
Wee see good matter in an euill Man,
As Courage, Witt and great actiuitie
Wee long must hope, he will do wel, that can:
For, Age with Vertue is Cooperatiue
Youths prone to Vice, sith Vice doth cocker it:
So they, in time, great matters may achiue
That may their King, and Kingdome benefit:
Then each wise Iudges iudgment bath this scope
To spare the hopelesse Felon full of hope.
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